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Current Action Items

2023-03-27: Take notes here and distribute to non-translation docs when ready.

  • New content
  • New dates
  • Cherry picked styles + data
  • Mastery bar
  • GPTE features: Contrib Route + Module 103 Commitment

Because we are building content and site architecture at the same time, some of our next steps are challenging. Please do not hesitate with questions when you have them, or to lend a hand when you're able. We have five teams translating content already - and a high-trust global team forming in real time. Let's share best practices and get to the point where our work is sustainable and scalable.

About Project Branches

If you are working on a PPBL translation, you are now familiar with your language- branch. Each of these branches is live now (see Current Instances), and we continue to make translation changes to each one.

At the same time, we are developing a learning management system (for now, we're calling it Andamio), so new changes to the UX/UI are also being pushed to main each week, and new data structures are being refined as we use them.

Why our work is challenging right now:

Our goal is to get to the point where it easy to grab content from the main branch, add it to a language- branch, and then translate it. Right now this work is challenging, because teams must also incorporate changes to /src/data, /src/components, and /src/pages.

Again, please ask questions any time. We meet on Wednesdays at 1330utc to discuss translation and internationalization, and we can schedule additional time when needed.

Tip: Use git diff

git diff returns a list of differences between two branches of a git repository. We can use it to compare main and language branches. Try this in the root directory of ppbl-front-end-template-2023:

git diff main..language-indonesian --name-only

This will give you a long list of differences! We expect this, because any files that have been translated will be different. Note: If you omit --name-only, you will see every detail of the differences between branches. To determine where specific changes need to be made, you can target specific directories, like this:

git diff main..language-indonesian --name-only src/components/lms/

Action Steps

1. Pull all UX/UI, data, and Component changes from main

  • This will get easier every week.
  • A single git merge will not work, because we do not want to clear conflicts where translation has happened already. Our goal is to get to the point where this is all it takes - we're just not there yet.
  • If you have advanced git skills, please share with team 😎
  • If you need help with this step, let's talk

2. Finish translating components

After your language branch is up to date, some translations are needed in the following UI elements:

Step 3:Translating Module 101.

Most translation should take place in:

  • module.json
  • .mdx files

There are still a few exceptions. Our journey continues!