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Gimbalabs Playground

Meets every Tuesday 1800-1930 UTC: Registration Link

Purpose of Gimbalabs Playground

In the spring of 2021, Gimbalabs began hosting weekly sessions we call "Playground". The idea behind it is to provide a forum where anyone within the Cardano community, or even from outside of the community, can present an idea, a problem, a solution, a pitch, or a question. They are often technical, sometimes business-related, sometimes personal to the presenter, but in all ways the Gimbalabs community provides an open space where thoughtful, inquisitive and honest responses are provided for the benefit of the presenter.

Over time, through this process, Playground has been proud to help teams build and ideas develop as we have also been helped through our processes.

No permission is necessary to get on the Playground schedule, simply add your name and contact info on the schedule here:

We look forward to getting to know you!